Week 13: Comic Life Workshop and Thanksgiving Break

This will be a quick update, since we have a short week next week (Happy Thanksgiving!). I just need to remind you of two items:

  • If you have not submitted a proposal for your Instructional Comic, you should do so as soon as possible. It doesn’t need to be a lengthy proposal — just send me a few sentences via email to let me know what you’re planning for this assignment. I will respond to your email to either approve your topic or ask for minor revisions.
  • Our entire class period on Tuesday will be dedicated to a Comic Life workshop. You should bring your laptop to class, and if you haven’t already installed Comic Life on your computer, please do so before you come to class. (You can find links to Comic Life and other helpful items on the Resources page.) Your homework (once I have approved your topic) is to outline your comic, determine how many characters you will need, and think about how you can develop a compelling story to illustrate your subject. In class, we will begin moving those ideas into Comic Life. If you would like to get a jump start on your project, you can create a new file in Comic Life and begin adding text and images to it.

Have a great weekend, and please let me know if you have any questions about these plans.

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